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Does the gym make you get hot flashes and break out into a sweat? Before you even walk into the door, that is.

Many people suffer from Gymaphobic tendencies. Twitching uncontrollably at the thought of spandex in full length mirrors. Random turret-like swears at the high tech weight machines. Nasty thoughts directed at the Barbie doll on the elliptical.

It’s okay. You’re not alone.

Getting to the gym is tough. Not only do I have to commit myself to a specified time of torture, but I also have to worry about looking good while doing it. You think losing seventy-five pounds would assuage these fears. Not so much. Now I feel like everyone’s watching me. Plus, in the high intensity classes, even with all the pants sizes I’ve lost, I’m still the big girl in the room next to the dancing twigs with sports bras and abs.

Thing is, the only one looking at me, is probably me. Everyone else is too worried about their own backside jiggling to even notice mine.

When we build up an imaginary obstacle, the climb to get over it feels every bit the real thing.

So here are my two tips to push past the gym phobia.

Realize that even those tight bodies have bumps and lumps they want to get rid of. Otherwise they wouldn’t be there.

And if you are wearing a tank top, always make sure to shave your underarms and add deodorant. Guys too.

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